Wednesday, July 16, 2008

who i am - a Christian's languish in todays world

there are those who , will read this and dismiss it -

i post this to give some idea of who i am , and what i believe

1. i was born again , in a methodist church at the age of 12, in hilham, tn
i was baptized in a local river by immersion and have tried to serve
the Lord ever since; its been an interesting walk - i have let God down
numerous times , for this i am sorrowful -

2. i prefer to hear expository preaching of God's Word, the Holy Bible, 1611
king james version. as opposed to feel good, how can i be a better person or live a better life ;
the Bible is what men need and to be born again in Christ . period .

3. i study as much as i can , i place a priority on the Word first. then church history, then greek language, then books by godly christian men , like spurgeon, owens, packer, piper, sproul, macarthur, calvin, luther, hodge, pink, walvoord, augustine, vos, watson, etc.,

4. i believe what the Word says , is truth . and its my responsiblity to conform to it, not conform it to me .

5. i believe that its equally important to walk a christian life - and conduct myself as a christian according to the Word .

6. i think preachers should be men; that deacons should be men, that women should keep silent in church and learn at home. all of this done according to scripture

7. i think its improper and unwise for men to have 'friends' who are women; its improper for me to call another mans wife or a single woman , even if they are christians, or to meet with them alone, or be in an compromising position with them if it can be helped .

for a woman who is married to approach me , ALONE , no matter the reason i s , biblically wrong; i take this from Aquila and Priscilla, approaching the apostle Paul to correct him.
8. i think christians are called to witness to their co-workers and friends; not invite them to church, but to share the Gospel with them .
9. i think the local church is for the christian; non-believers should be VERY uncomfortable in a godly Bible believing church. if they do attend , they should have already HEARD the Gospel from whoever invited them. and they should continue to hear it , until they leave or are converted. if they just walk off the street , they should have the Gospel shared with them after the service, immediately . that is a christians priority
10. i believe that most modern churches are too focused on feel good, fluff that detracts from the Gospel being preached;
11. i am for cutting out WHATEVER COMES in between the Gospel being preached . even if thats songs, trips, meals, special events, youth church, whatever. if it delays, prevents, waters down, thwarts, or inhibits the Word of God being preached , stop it
12. i am not for separate youth churches or youth leaving the main body of believers and doing their own thing ; this is unbiblical and not necessary ;
13. i believe in hard , determined study of God's Word; to no end - and personally cutting out whatever i need to , to get that done; if it means no TV then so be it.
14. i detest all sin but these specifically attack the family - the foundation of the Church and a sacrament that God himself setup ; i hate divorce; i hate adultery; i hate homosexual sin.
15. i believe that there is SOLID DOCTRINE in the Bible and it CAN be learned and understood. 16. i believe in erring on the side of God; being conservative
17. i believe in the doctrines of grace; and the apostle Paul's doctrine, well really, Christ's doctrine. total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, perseverance of the saints. all for God's glory alone.
18. i believe that the Law, in the Bible, is used to show our condition before God and the Gospel is used to show the good news that God has provided for those that will believe.
19. i believe in witnessing to ALL who will listen;
20 i believe in evangelizing to ALL who will stand still
21. however, i will not cast my pearls before swine; i will not lie , nor coerce, nor NOT PREACH THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD.
22. i believe in raising my children in a Godly home - under Bible precepts; in prayer hoping the come to the Lord , being given the gift of repentance .
23. i believe that God is sovereign and provident , still today , right now as i type this
24. i believe His ways are higher than mine(praise God) - and for His glory alone and NOT due to something i did , or something He saw in me, and a beyond any reason why known to me , He chose to grant me repentance and the ability to believe His Word , some 25 years ago. i love Him for it and will try my best to serve Him ;
25. i believe sin is still sin; and this is the great death of the world- no amount of psycho bable or drugs, or music, or any other thing will remedy that - men and women are continously and exceedingly sinful and that is THEIR NATURE . until God changes it , they will continue in sin.for they can do nothing else. and this should be our focus - preaching and witnessing

so there you go .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. I would say that believe most of the same, with a few minor(non-essiential) differeces. For example you know I prefere the ESV.I too have learned so much from the Godly men you listed, and I would add some other fellows like, Patch, Cooke, Hunt and Kiefer. To God Be the Glory!!